Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pen-Ek Ratanaruang's Monark Transistor

When I thought which movie I should write about as the first one, I had too many options, but to start of this blog with a great enthusiasm and good note, I am writing about this gentle luv story....

Director: Pen-Ek Ratanarang

Story: Movie starts in a jail, where hero is being interrogated to get the stolen gold chain. Old jailer there i the narrator of this story. Flashback starts with the hero singing for a band seeing the heroine. The director sets the modd for the movie in this opening. The hero makes the heroin fall in love with him and they get married happily. 'If you think the movie is over her, then it would just be a happy ending short film, you are wrong, the movie begins only after this'. The director has cleverly placed this dialogue and then begins the story from there.

After the arriage the heroin and hero lives happily and she concieves. At this time the hero is selected to join the army. With great grief he leaves the village to join the army from where he sends heaps of letters to his lady love. There is a song at this place which is really good (even without understanding the lyric ly with subtitles, I liked the song).

There is a talent hunt for good singers at the place where the army had camped, hero sings there and gets selected. To join the music troop he runs away from army. But, the music troop treats him a servantmaid and makes him mop the floor. The owner of the music troop 'Daddy' as he is called is cunning and humorous. He uses the girl who eas selected along with hero and makes hero a labour. Hero fearing that the army would catch him if he leaves this place is forced to stick with troop as a unpaid labour and lives in a small room for more than a year and half. When he asks 'Daddy' about his carrier, he lectures him that he is hurrying and disobeying him and also tells that women are only wanted for this.

The heroin and her father comes in search of the hero to the city, that is the fateful day when the lead male singer does not appear and 'Daddy' makes hero to sing. The song is an instant hit and he is welcomed by everyone. Finally hero and heroin meets and, he tells her to come back to the same place next morning, as 'Daddy' is taking him for a business deal. Ther 'Daddy' tries to use hero to satisfy his lion's hunger and in the tussle 'Daddy' gets killed. Hero runs, runs, runs to save his life , wanting to go back to his home, but climbs into a sugarcane cutting labour vehicle.

Meanwhile, Heroin thinks that hero has cheated her and deserted her. She falls in luv with a drug seller who makes her fall using his dubbing talents for movies.

Sugarcane harvesting supervisor is impressed with our hero and is leninet with him. Hero toils in the rain harvesting sugarcane. He is effected by flu and falls sick. Supervisor and his friend Siew takescare of him. In a card game Supervisor and Siew gets crossed. Hero tries to save Siew and hits the Supervisor and they start to run.

Both reach city. In their rags they reach a star hotel where there is a fund raising for poor people and all the well off people come in rags for the ocassion, where these people enter and gets kicked off. Hero decides to go back to his village and live peacefully. But they dont have money. Siew promises to give him money, next morning. He snatches a gold chain from a lady and gives it to him, which lands him in jail. But finally it is found that the chain is fake one and not gold.

Hero gets imprisoned for two years where he carried shit to fertileze the plantations within jail. When he is released he finds Siew being a rich person doing all the wrong dealings and he is married to the singer who was also selected with Hero during the talent hunt. Hero gets money to travel to his village and finds 2 other with his child at his homes. Heroin tell ' these where born to a dog mating 2 dogs'. Hero asks her to pardon him and thus both live together finally in peace.

Best parts: The director has used simple narration and has made the film fun filled. There not a place where you find the movie is lagging or why these scenes are added. The songs in the movie are good. The acting of the lead pair is remarkable. Some characters like 'Daddy', Heroins father just appear in couple of scenes but dont fail to make a mark on our heart. Director has smartly said the political and social situations as and when possible neatly like the fund riser scenes in the star hotel.

The movie will be a funfilled one for everyone.